Guaranteeing the full deposit without the upfront cost
An excellent alternative to the traditional security deposit which enables tenants to move into your property without the outlay of a traditional deposit. The additional benefit for landlords is an additional cover of 6 weeks deposit vs, the traditional 5-week cap. You will also be able to promote your property to a wider audience and reduce paperwork where you don’t need to be reigsteered with one of the deposition protection schemes, essentially saving you time and money!
Guaranteeing the full deposit without the upfront cost
An excellent alternative to the traditional security deposit which enables tenants to move into your property without the outlay of a traditional deposit. The additional benefit for landlords is an additional cover of 6 weeks deposit vs, the traditional 5-week cap. You will also be able to promote your property to a wider audience and reduce paperwork where you don’t need to be reigsteered with one of the deposition protection schemes, essentially saving you time and money!
Guaranteeing the full deposit without the upfront cost
An excellent alternative to the traditional security deposit which enables tenants to move into your property without the outlay of a traditional deposit. The additional benefit for landlords is an additional cover of 6 weeks deposit vs, the traditional 5-week cap. You will also be able to promote your property to a wider audience and reduce paperwork where you don’t need to be reigsteered with one of the deposition protection schemes, essentially saving you time and money!